Adame, Toni
  1. Adame, Toni

UWB Rangings

  1. Adame, Toni
  2. UWB Rangings
Dataset with the UWB rangings obtained in the testbed building located in Egaleo (Greece) on 24th February 2022. This dataset is employed in the article with title "Fast deployment of a UWB-based IPS for emergency response operations".


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File egaleo_24_02_puntA.csv57.02 KB
File egaleo_24_02_puntB.csv65.84 KB
File egaleo_24_02_puntC.csv90.87 KB
File egaleo_24_02_puntD.csv102.75 KB
File egaleo_24_02_puntE.csv105.89 KB
File egaleo_24_02_puntF.csv114.26 KB
File egaleo_24_02_puntG.csv83.17 KB
File egaleo_24_02_puntH.csv99.66 KB
File egaleo_24_02_puntI.csv88.70 KB
File egaleo_24_02_puntJ.csv109.45 KB
File egaleo_24_02_puntK.csv97.33 KB
File egaleo_24_02_puntL.csv102.64 KB
File egaleo_24_02_puntM.csv129.45 KB
File egaleo_24_02_puntN.csv100.26 KB
File egaleo_24_02_puntO.csv121.64 KB
File egaleo_24_02_puntP.csv112.57 KB
File egaleo_24_02_puntQ.csv117.27 KB
File egaleo_24_02_puntR.csv152.32 KB